There are many ways to involve your guests in your wedding ceremony and make them feel like an important part of your special day. Here are some tips to help you do just that:
- Include a personal touch: Add a personal touch to your ceremony by asking a family member or close friend to do a reading, sing a song, or play an instrument. This will not only make your guests feel included, but it will also add an emotional element to your ceremony.

- Have a unity ceremony: A unity ceremony is a great way to involve your guests in the ceremony. It can be as simple as a sand ceremony or as complex as a tree planting ceremony. Your guests can be asked to participate in the ceremony by adding their own layer of sand or by bringing up the soil for the tree planting.
- Give guests a task: You can involve your guests in the ceremony by giving them a task to do. For example, you could ask them to light a candle, pass a ring or blessing stone around, or even just offer a prayer or positive thought for the couple.
Remember to choose an option that fits you and your partner’s style and personality. These tips will help you create a memorable and inclusive wedding ceremony that you and your guests will cherish forever.